Tuesday, 21 January 2025


Social media are omnipresent(everywhere/ ubiquitous) in most people's lives nowadays. However, they are considered rather controversial since they clearly have both advantages and disadvantages. In your opinion, do the benefits outweigh the drawbacks? Give reasons and examples to support your point of view.

1. Social media: refers to online platforms and applications that enable users to create, share, and interact with content and connect with others in a virtual community. These platforms are typically used for communication, collaboration, networking, entertainment, and information sharing.

There is on going debates about the pros and cons of using social media. This essay will analyse both point of views and present my personal opinions.

First of all, it is more efficient to acquire information that we need compares to the past. For an example, if someone is looking for a cooking receipt, they can easily access to the social media, such as Youtube to get the information that they need within few seconds by clicking the mouse. In addition, we can look for diverse jobs from the social media, such as Linkedin. Applicants can see many companies' profiles and refer to their employees' comments to gain a glance of the company that they apply for. Besides, social media plays an important role during the pandemic period. In 2020, people were prohibited from going out and interacting with others when corona virus hit. We used social media to connect our family, friends and stayed positive in difficult time. Some people kept hopes because of the encouragement from the online strangers. 

In contrast, social media does not always show positive side, there are some drawbacks as well. The risk of leaking personal data. Take the incident of Facebook,  there were nearly 500 millions users data were leaked out, which exposed the users on unsafe environment, worrying about their accounts might be misused for illegal activities, such as fraud. Another point to consider is the increase in cyber bullying. While social media provides a platform where people can share their thoughts and hobbies, some netizens do not always have same opinions, some might leave negative, emotional and vicious comments, just for attacking the group who shares different perspectives. According to the study that many teenagers suffers from cyber bullying, and the percentage of getting depression among teenagers also is increasing. 

Despite its downsides, I still agree that social media brings advantages. I use it to learn new languages and get to know more about different cultures. It's great platform to learn something new and gain new knowledges with little cost. Overall, as long as we set the boundaries, and educate our teenagers the use of social medias, creating a better, friendly user online environment.


There is an ongoing debate about the pros and cons of using social media. This essay will analyze both points of view and present my personal opinion.

First of all, it is more efficient to acquire information that we need compared to the past. For example, if someone is looking for a cooking recipe, they can easily access social media platforms, such as YouTube, to get the information they need within seconds by clicking the mouse. In addition, social media allows us to search for diverse job opportunities, such as on LinkedIn. Applicants can view many companies' profiles and refer to employees' comments to get an overview of the company they are applying to. Moreover, social media played an important role during the pandemic period. In 2020, people were prohibited from going out and interacting with others when the coronavirus hit. We used social media to connect with family and friends, and to stay positive during a difficult time. Some people found hope through encouragement from online strangers.

In contrast, social media does not always have a positive side, and there are some drawbacks as well. One risk is the potential for personal data leakage. For example, in the Facebook data breach, nearly 500 million users' data was leaked, exposing them to an unsafe environment and raising concerns about their accounts being misused for illegal activities, such as fraud. Another point to consider is the rise of cyberbullying. While social media provides a platform where people can share their thoughts and hobbies, not all users share the same opinions. Some may leave negative, emotional, and hurtful comments simply to attack those with differing perspectives. Studies show that many teenagers suffer from cyberbullying, and the percentage of teenagers experiencing depression is also increasing.

Despite its downsides, I still believe that social media brings advantages. I use it to learn new languages and discover more about different cultures. It’s a great platform for learning new things and gaining knowledge at little cost. Overall, as long as we set boundaries and educate our teenagers on the responsible use of social media, we can create a better, more friendly online environment.

Saturday, 15 April 2017



Sunday, 5 March 2017


從2013年回到台灣一直到再次離開台灣,我以為我已經好了,原來,我一直都沒有好過,我只是去遺忘跟逃避,因為那比較容易。我忘記以前最喜歡的事情,獨立音樂、電影、書籍、活動、對世界的好奇心,忘記了以前想去完成的事,選擇一個相對起來可能看起來比較正確輕鬆的生活,那就是壓抑,當別人眼中完美的人,不要再去作夢,因為那很累,付出很多,但是可能結果不如人意。 26歲那年,我發現了自己不曾有過的感覺跟情緒,有了過去沒有體會過的挫折,不論認識我的人能不能接受這件事,都必須承認,這件事情,帶出來不一樣的我,可是我也因此長大了。我不是以前那個毫無性別的小P,只有小孩子煩惱的小P,我開始像個女孩子,我明白過去的一切只是假裝逞強,因為自卑,所以想要看起來很好,其實我內心一直很希望有個人可以好好地照顧我,所以,當有一個人接受了我(我認為如此不完美的我),我把所有的感情跟專注力投射在這個人的身上,然後漸漸失去了自己,想當然,這段感情絕對不可能會有什麼好的結果。在這4年裡,因為太受傷,所以我漸漸地不在自己做決定,因為我害怕做錯,然後又失敗再失敗,所以原本申請到的英國研究所,我也沒去,因為我怕又什麼都沒有,無論是在財力方面還是在生活方面都是。關於考老師,也沒認真去準備,雖然明白自己是很適合這份工作也很開心,但我卻害怕那麼努力然後失敗,遲遲無法決定。 回台灣療傷的過程中,我什麼都仰賴著好友,聽好友的建議,漸漸地忘了自己有做決定的能力。喜歡就去,討厭就不要,我忘了有說不的權利。忘了就算做錯,那也沒關係,一切都還得及,我不會就這樣毀了我的人生。 謝謝你們,我知道你們愛我,才會捨不得我花了這麼多的時間在治療自己的心,可是,也許我需要就是這些時間,去慢慢學會斷捨離。可是,我更希望的是,你們能接受這樣的我,浪費了這麼多時間的我。 2017,我即將要30歲了,前陣子,我很惱怒自己為什麼要再做一次一個毫無意義的選擇來到這裡,很生氣,把討厭的情緒全部怪罪在那些建議我再來這裡的人。雖然前陣子在這裡的情緒真的是起起伏伏地,但是,請不要擔心我,現在,我漸漸釐清了自己的課題是什麼,我想要好好地,自己,就真的只有自己而已,做決定。 我知道我們吵架了,但是,先這樣就好。現在,我最想要做的事情,就是好好愛我自己,我想要好好對待我心中的小孩。 謝謝你們,我長大了,但,請不要討厭長大的我,時間流逝,人也會改變,我不可能永遠當大家心目中天真無邪的小P,那個小孩子氣的小P,但是那個真實的我,它一直都存在這裡。

Thursday, 19 May 2016

BTS- Save Me


Tuesday, 3 May 2016












Thursday, 21 April 2016

Hyukoh-- comes and goes



And we play comes and goes,
cause we did this when we were child before.

And we play comes and goes,
cause big boys still play the game all the time.

Sunday, 6 March 2016

Vance Joy - Riptide

Recently, I have been into this song crazily! Love the melody, love the lyric!

Oh Lady, running down to the riptide
Taken away to the dark side
I wanna be your left hand man

I love you when you're singing that song and
I got a lump in my throat 'cause
You're gonna sing the words wrong.

Monday, 15 February 2016

Tuesday, 20 October 2015

The Fall of Troy, F.C.P.R.E.M.I.X.

Emotion always gets high, every time when I hear the song!


" 再怎麼說,我真正愛的是追逐他的旅程。"